40+ Health Checks

Preventative Medicine

We recommend an Annual General Check every year for our patients 40 years of age (can be done earlier if at risk). This will check any correctable factors that can lead to heart disease and preventable cancer.

What is provided at the Annual General Check?

We include lifestyle review and risk factor analysis including a cholesterol check and diabetes check as part of this. We tailor the test to the individual needs.

To book for your annual general check please:

  1. Make an appointment early in the morning for a fasting blood test
  2. Please notify the staff on arrival you are here for a general check and obtain a questionnaire and a urine sample jar.
  3. The nurse may see you initially before the doctor. She will help you with the questionnaire if necessary and check your urine, height, and weight.
  4. See the doctor after the blood test.
  5. Make a follow up appointment with the doctor several days later to discuss the results and obtain your report.

We follow the reccomendations of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners for preventative health activities. Please feel free to discuss this with your doctor so that we tailor it to your particular requirements.